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Thursday, March 31, 2016

Dreamology by Lucy Keating

Author: Lucy Keating
Publisher: Harper Teen
For as long as Alice can remember, she has dreamed of Max. Together they have traveled the world and fallen deliriously, hopelessly in love. Max is the boy of her dreams—and only her dreams. Because he doesn’t exist.

But when Alice walks into class on her first day at a new school, there he is. It turns out, though, that Real Max is nothing like Dream Max, and getting to know each other in reality isn’t as perfect as Alice always hoped.

When their dreams start to bleed dangerously into their waking hours, the pair realize that they might have to put an end to a lifetime of dreaming about each other. But when you fall in love in your dreams, can reality ever be enough?

This story was so adorable. Dreamology is a fun, fast paced book that is definitely worth a read! 

The spin Lucy put on the whole concept of dreams was super original. The whole idea of the CDD (Center of Dream Discovery) was very cool. Dreams have always fascinated me, so i was all over this book!

This book had the potential to be incredibly cliché with the whole “dream guy” bit—but thank heavens it was not! Max IS funny, HANDSOME, and totally swoony—and he LITERALLY is the guy of Alice’s dreams. Alice and Max’s relationship was very sweet and silly—both in reality and their dreams. I adored every second.

Of course Alice and Max run into some road blocks in their relationship, yet how they handled those roadblocks was key. Sure, they didn’t see eye-to-eye and sure they didn’t always immediately kiss and make up, yet, eventually they did. They always found their way back to each other. *thud* my heart just melted into goo. 

If you're looking for a cute story with a cool plotline than this book is for you! 

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Waiting on Wednesday

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Jill over at Breaking the Spine! And this week i am waiting on:

P.S. I Like You
What if the person you were falling for was a total mystery?

While Lily is spacing out in Chemistry one day, she picks up her pencil and scribbles a line from one of her favorite songs on the desk. The next day, someone else has written back to her on the desk! Soon enough Lily and the mystery student are exchanging notes, and lyrics, and even sharing secrets. When Lily finds out that her anonymous pen pal is a guy, she's flustered -- and kind of feels like she's falling for him. She and her best friend set out to unravel the identity of the letter writer -- but when the truth is revealed, the guy is the LAST person Lily could have ever imagined it to be. Now that Lily knows the truth, can she untangle her feelings and gather the courage to listen to her heart?~Goodreads
Kasie West is a contemp Goddess and i love her writing! Definitely can't wait to read this one! 

What are YOU waiting on this week!? 

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Teaser Tuesday: Ruined

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Teaser Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by MizB over at A Daily Rhythm.

To participate all you have to do is:

Grab your current read
Open to a random page
Share two (2) "teaser" sentences from somewhere on that page
BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure what you share doesn't give too much away! You don't want to ruin the book for others!) 
 Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!

Ruined (Ruined, #1)      
     The king sighed. “I suppose you could have done worse than Mary.”

 “We should ask the priest to say that at the wedding.” Cas said. “And now we unite Casimir and Mary. They both could have done worse.” ARC Pg. 20

Monday, March 28, 2016

How It Feels To Fly by Kathryn Holmes + INTERVIEW with ZOE

How It Feels to Fly
How It Feels To Fly
Author: Kathryn Holmes
Publisher: HarperTeen

The movement is all that matters.

For as long as Samantha can remember, she’s wanted to be a professional ballerina. She’s lived for perfect pirouettes, sky-high extensions, and soaring leaps across the stage. Then her body betrayed her.

The change was gradual. Stealthy.

Failed diets. Disapproving looks. Whispers behind her back. The result: crippling anxiety about her appearance, which threatens to crush her dancing dreams entirely. On her dance teacher’s recommendation, Sam is sent to a summer treatment camp for teen artists and athletes who are struggling with mental and emotional obstacles. If she can make progress, she’ll be allowed to attend a crucial ballet intensive. But when asked to open up about her deepest insecurities, secret behaviors, and paralyzing fears to complete strangers, Sam can’t cope.

What I really need is a whole new body.

Sam forms an unlikely bond with Andrew, a former college football player who’s one of her camp counselors. As they grow closer, Andrew helps Sam see herself as he does—beautiful. But just as she starts to believe that there’s more between them than friendship, disappointing news from home sends her into a tailspin. With her future uncertain and her body against her, will Sam give in to the anxiety that imprisons her?~Goodreads
This book was a fantastic read.  It was funny and heart wrenching—full of uniquely diverse characters, a relevant subject matter and just brilliant narrative—How it Feels to Fly is a MUST READ.

I adored Sam. I saw so much of myself in her, her inner voice was so spot on to my every day that I couldn’t even you guys. I. COULDN'T. EVEN. I told my fiancé at one point while I was reading, “Sam is me.” Struggling with both anxiety AND body image issues is…so incredibly tough. Each, on their own, is hard but together? Sam seriously is one of the strongest characters I’ve ever read about. She handled all of her ups and downs with so much grace—even if she didn’t feel like she was—she was. 

I loved the fact that How it Feels to Fly took place at Perform At Your Peak, a camp that teaches how to calm anxious feelings. Perform At Your Peak helps Sam deal with her anxiety by teaching her breathing techniques, channeling her feelings into arts and crafts, journaling and simply talking to someone. 

And all of the characters in this book were awesome as well. Special shout out to my girl Zoe for being such a pain in the BUTT but ending up being one of my favsies. ALSO! May i just say that the dashes of sweet moments between Sam and Andrew were magnificent. I fell for Andrew just as Sam did. I don’t want to spoil anything but THANK YOU KATHRYN. What happens between Andrew and Sam was PURE GOLD. NOT  at all what I was expecting yet so freaking gratifying and I LOVED it. 

Also, how gorgeous is that cover? I adore it even more because of what it represents in terms of the book. 

GAH! This book was everything to me. How it Feels to Fly is an INCREDIBLE debut and an absolutely canNOT be missed!

~~~~~~~~~~~Interview with Zoe~~~~~~~~~~~~

Hey Zoe! Thanks so much for stopping by! 
Zoe: No problem. Happy to be here. I beats doing homework, right?  
B: Let’s get right to it! If tennis didn’t take up most of your schedule, what are some things you would like to do in your free time?
Zoe: Whoa, how weird is your timing? Are you psychic or something? I've actually been thinking about this a lot lately. First: I'd watch and rank every horror movie on Netflix. Not an easy challenge, but I think I'm up for it. I've been preparing for years. This could be my moment. 
After that...okay, so here's something absolutely no one knows about me. Not even Sam or Andrew. (Don't spread it around. I mean that.) I've always wanted to be in a band. So, I guess I have to learn how to play an instrument. Guitar, maybe. Or drums. Next stop: Rock Star.  
B: You seem pretty darn confident, so with that being said, what would you say is your biggest insecurity?
Zoe: My biggest insecurity—what are you, my therapist? Ugh. 
I have to answer? Seriously? Fine. I look stupid in dresses. My mom makes me wear one whenever she and Dad throw these receptions for Important Tennis People, and the things she picks out make me feel like I'm on "Toddlers and Tiaras," minus the fake teeth and hair extensions. Happy now? 
B: You seem like the type who wouldn’t necessarily enjoy having a roommate, but was there something you particularly liked about rooming with Sam?
Zoe: You are correct. I need my space, please and thank you. 
Rooming with Sam—I mean, it could've been worse. She doesn't snore. She's not too much of a slob. She wasn't trying to paint my nails or do my hair. If I had to room with her again, it wouldn't be the end of the world. 
How's that for a recommendation?  
B: Was there something you really admired about her?
Zoe: Great, we're getting all touchy-feely again. I guess I admire Sam's guts. When that girl decides to go for something, she goes for it, you know? And she cares. A lot. Which is pretty cool. 
Also, she's insanely flexible. It was like living with Cirque du Soleil.   
B: What was your favorite memory from your time at Perform at Your Peak?
Zoe: Nothing. Leaving. 
Okay, okay. Spoiler alert, if you try to avoid that kind of thing. The best moment was when Katie finally crossed that stupid balance beam. I actually got a little emotional. What? I'm not made of stone. 
B: One of my favorite things about you is that you can come up with quite the nickname. Any chance you’d be willing to bestow one on me?
Zoe: You like books, right? The obvious choice is Bookworm, but I can do better than that. Oh, hey—your name is Brooke. Do people ever call you Brookeworm? Maybe I'll launch the trend. "Worm" for short, obviously. 

Quick Round!
B: Early Bird or Night Owl? 
Zoe: Night owl. Mornings are not my friend. 
B: Twitter or Instagram? 
Zoe: Instagram. A picture is worth 140 characters, or whatever. 
B: Favorite Food? 
Zoe: Nachos
B: Celebrity Crush? 
Zoe: Raven on "The 100"

Friday, March 25, 2016

Eggstravaganza Giveaway Hop!

hoppy easter march

Hello there, little bunnies and chicks! Thanks for HOPPING by (heehee)! For this hop I'm giving away an ARC copy of Ruined by Amy Tintera. HOW AMAZING DOES THIS BOOK SOUND?!

Emelina Flores has nothing. Her home in Ruina has been ravaged by war. She lacks the powers of her fellow Ruined. Worst of all, she witnessed her parents’ brutal murders and watched helplessly as her sister, Olivia, was kidnapped.

But because Em has nothing, she has nothing to lose. Driven by a blind desire for revenge, Em sets off on a dangerous journey to the enemy kingdom of Lera. Somewhere within Lera’s borders, Em hopes to find Olivia. But in order to find her, Em must infiltrate the royal family.

In a brilliant, elaborate plan of deception and murder, Em marries Prince Casimir, next in line to take Lera’s throne. If anyone in Lera discovers Em is not Casimir’s true betrothed, Em will be executed on the spot. But it’s the only way to salvage Em’s kingdom and what is left of her family.

Em is determined to succeed, but the closer she gets to the prince, the more she questions her mission. Em’s rage-filled heart begins to soften. But with her life—and her family—on the line, love could be Em’s deadliest mistake.~Goodreads

To enter: 

Leave a comment below with your name and e-mail!
Extra entry if you follow Brooke-Reports blog!
Extra entry if you tweet about the giveaway (make sure to @ me! @Brookeworm33)
~Ends 4/2
Be sure to HOP on over to the other giveaways!

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Ivory and Bone by Julie Eshbaugh

Ivory and Bone
Ivory and Bone
Author: Julie Eshbaugh
Publisher: HarperTeen
Team: Maya!
A prehistoric fantasy—with allusions to Pride and Prejudice.

Hunting, gathering, and keeping his family safe—that’s the life seventeen-year-old Kol knows. Then bold, enigmatic Mya arrives from the south with her family, and Kol is captivated. He wants her to like and trust him, but any hopes of impressing her are ruined when he makes a careless—and nearly grave—mistake. However, there’s something more to Mya’s cool disdain…a history wrought with loss that comes to light when another clan arrives. With them is Lo, an enemy from Mya’s past who Mya swears has ulterior motives.

As Kol gets to know Lo, tensions between Mya and Lo escalate until violence erupts. Faced with shattering losses, Kol is forced to question every person he’s trusted. One thing is for sure: this was a war that Mya or Lo—Kol doesn’t know which—had been planning all along.~Goodreads
Ivory and Bone had me hooked from the very start!

I LOVED the narration style and really enjoyed reading from Kol's point of view. He had such a strong voice. He was honest, emotional, open to change, willing to rectify wrongs…just overall a very sound character. Kol is super close with his clan as well and I liked that. His fmaily is wonderful and all of his brothers are cuties!

Another thing I adored about this book was the setting. Kol was surrounded by wildlife and he was subjected to the harsh and beautiful elements of Mother Nature all throughout the book. The setting was almost like another character in the story. 

Along with that, the imagery in the novel was striking. I was on the river canoeing, I was in each tent, I could almost taste the honey—golden and sticky—that Kol collected. Some scenes were so perfectly illustrated. But then again, one fault with that was at times I felt that some scenes were overly detailed—to the point where I had to skim over some lines. 

The lines I didn't have to skip over, however? The ones in which Kol interacts with Mya. They have a very strained and unique dynamic. It was refreshing and frustrating all at the same time. Definitely would want to read more about them in the future! 

Overall, Ivory and Bone is a captivating story and debut that should not be missed! 

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Waiting on Wednesday

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Jill over at Breaking the Spine! And this week i am waiting on:

'It is that quick, it is that strong, it is that beautiful. And it is also totally impossible.'

The Loneliness of Distant BeingsEven though she knows it's impossible, Seren longs to have the sunshine on her skin. It's something she feels she needs to stay sane. But when you're floating through space at thousands of kilometres an hour, sometimes you have to accept there are things you cannot change.

Except that the arrival of Dom in her life changes everything in ways she can barely comprehend. For a while he becomes the Sun for her; and she can't help but stay in his orbit. Being with him flaunts every rule designed to keep their home in order, but to lose him would be like losing herself.

In the end they must decide what is most important: loyalty to the only home they've ever known, or to each other?

How am i JUST hearing of this book?! It sounds amazing! Also, it comes out on my sister's birthday so i'll have to buy it for her....yes, her. Not me. But her. :P 

Monday, March 14, 2016

Rebel of the Sands by Alwyn Hamilton

Rebel of the Sands (Rebel of the Sands, #1)
Rebel of the Sands
Author: Alwyn Hamilton
Publisher: Viking Books for Young Readers
She’s more gunpowder than girl—and the fate of the desert lies in her hands.

Mortals rule the desert nation of Miraji, but mystical beasts still roam the wild and barren wastes, and rumor has it that somewhere, djinni still practice their magic. But there's nothing mystical or magical about Dustwalk, the dead-end town that Amani can't wait to escape from. 

Destined to wind up "wed or dead," Amani’s counting on her sharpshooting skills to get her out of Dustwalk. When she meets Jin, a mysterious and devastatingly handsome foreigner, in a shooting contest, she figures he’s the perfect escape route. But in all her years spent dreaming of leaving home, she never imagined she'd gallop away on a mythical horse, fleeing the murderous Sultan's army, with a fugitive who's wanted for treason. And she'd never have predicted she'd fall in love with him...or that he'd help her unlock the powerful truth of who she really is.~Goodreads

This story was one of my most anticipated reads of 2016- unfortunately, the majority of it fell completely flat for me. 

One of the main disconnects I had with this book was the main character, Amani. Honestly, she just read as very dull. Nothing about her made me say to myself, "wow, she's incredible!" or "wow, this girl is seriously BAD A**!" or even, "wow, i need to be friends with her!" I totally wish i would've felt differently. 

The other aspect of the book I didn’t enjoy or get swept up in was the whole idea of the Rebellion. It seemed very over done—like all the other uprisings and revolutions already found in YA books these days. A let down to say the least.  

With that being said, there were still some aspects of the novel that I did like. The setting of this book was unique and unrelenting—the overall world building was well done.

Also, the secondary characters in this book were A++. I absolutely adored them. Jin-aka the Eastern Snake-is swoon worthy and hardcore and PLEASE GIVE ME MORE. Bahi was hilarious and I would like a prequel about him, please! (P dot s- i definitely ship Bahi and Shazad ♥)

Even though Rebel didn't meet my HIGH expectations, i DO plan on giving the sequel a shot because I DID enjoy Hamilton’s over all writing style. Also, Jin 

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Down With the Shine by Kate Karyus Quinn

Down With the ShineDown With the Shine
Author: Kate Karyus Quinn
Publisher: HarperTeen
There's a reason they say "be careful what you wish for." Just ask the girl who wished to be thinner and ended up smaller than Thumbelina, or the boy who asked for "balls of steel" and got them-literally. And never wish for your party to go on forever. Not unless you want your guests to be struck down by debilitating pain if they try to leave.

These are things Lennie only learns when it's too late-after she brings some of her uncles' moonshine to a party and toasts to dozens of wishes, including a big wish of her own: to bring back her best friend, Dylan, who was abducted and murdered six months ago.

Lennie didn't mean to cause so much chaos. She always thought her uncles' moonshine toast was just a tradition. And when they talked about carrying on their "important family legacy," she thought they meant good old-fashioned bootlegging.

As it turns out, they meant granting wishes. And Lennie has just granted more in one night than her uncles would grant in a year.

Now she has to find a way to undo the damage. But once granted, a wish can't be unmade...~Goodreads

Down With the Shine is a unique twist on the concept of “be careful what you wish for.” It is hilarious, dangerous, disastrous and over all glorious—I enjoyed every page!

I adored Lenny—she was witty and clever, loyal and caring. Her family history is seriously insane, it’s a wonder she turned out as awesome as she did. Her dad is basically a psychopathic murderer and her uncles grant wishes through moonshine. Yes, moonshine. So, with Lenny being in the dark about her heritage and wanting to have a night of reckless fun, she brings moonshine to a fellow classmate’s party. Let the chaos begin!

The wishes the partygoers ask for? To lose weight, stay friends through it all, or live to be old and wise—let’s just say that the phrasing of theses wishes was KEY. If Lenny didn’t word a wish just right, those girls who wanted to stay friends? Well, lets just say they became inseparable…literally. 

You guys! This book was just a rollercoaster of crazy. I was frantically flipping pages, biting my nails to nubs, and my heart was practically beating out of my chest at times. I LOVED EVERY SECOND. 

I would totally be up for reading a sequel about what Lenny is up to. Also, more of her and *wiggles eyebrows* Smith. Yes, did I not mention there is a swoony guy and an adorably cute romance? Because, there so is. Smith can hold my hand anytime *wink*

The only thing that didn’t wow me was the ending. I felt as though it  was a tad bit of a cop out. BUT overall, I thought the story was incredible! A definite must read! 

(Also how awesome is that cover?!) 

Monday, March 7, 2016

The Crown's Game by Evelyn Skye

The Crown's Game (The Crown's Game, #1)
The Crown's Game
Author: Evelyn Skye
Publisher: Balzer + Bray
Vika Andreyeva can summon the snow and turn ash into gold. Nikolai Karimov can see through walls and conjure bridges out of thin air. They are enchanters—the only two in Russia—and with the Ottoman Empire and the Kazakhs threatening, the Tsar needs a powerful enchanter by his side.

And so he initiates the Crown’s Game, an ancient duel of magical skill—the greatest test an enchanter will ever know. The victor becomes the Imperial Enchanter and the Tsar’s most respected adviser. The defeated is sentenced to death.

Raised on tiny Ovchinin Island her whole life, Vika is eager for the chance to show off her talent in the grand capital of Saint Petersburg. But can she kill another enchanter—even when his magic calls to her like nothing else ever has?

For Nikolai, an orphan, the Crown’s Game is the chance of a lifetime. But his deadly opponent is a force to be reckoned with—beautiful, whip smart, imaginative—and he can’t stop thinking about her.

And when Pasha, Nikolai’s best friend and heir to the throne, also starts to fall for the mysterious enchantress, Nikolai must defeat the girl they both love . . . or be killed himself.

As long-buried secrets emerge, threatening the future of the empire, it becomes dangerously clear . . . the Crown’s Game is not one to lose.~Goodreads
This book! It was magical and suspenseful and romantical (yes, that’s totally a word.) The Crown’s Game is an absolutely enchanting debut and a must read!

I adored Vika, Pasha, and Nickolai. Now, usually I’m set pretty darn set on whose team I’m on—but Pasha and Nickolai are both incredibly sweet, intriguing, intelligent, giving, and SUH-woon worthy. Not only do I ship a romantical relationship between Vika and either Pasha or Nickolai—I totally ship the adorable bromance between Pasha and Nicolai. SUCH CUTIES. OH EM GEE. 

Another aspect of this story I absolutely loved was how often food was mentioned. I am such a foodie and Evelyn describes so many yummy goodies throughout the story—not only did that make me super happy but also hungry :P (balloon cream puffs and a hot chocolate truffle, please!)

The magic in this story is nothing less than fantastical. I was captivated by every move Nickolai and Vika made. Evelyn’s writing is incredible and I vividly SAW each enchantment Vika and Nickolai created. I need book two so I can read about more enchantments!

Oh, and let me not forget THE TWIST. Well, there are a couple...but THE ONE!? WITH THE KNIFE?! OH MY NO NO NOOO!

I can’t say much else without spoiling but just wow. 

The Crown’s Game is full of spellbinding magic, fierce characters, and a unique setting. I would definitely recommend! 


Friday, March 4, 2016

Wink Poppy Midnight by April Genevieve Tucholke

Wink Poppy Midnight
Wink Poppy Midnight
Author: April Genevieve Tucholke
Publisher: Dial Books
Every story needs a hero.
Every story needs a villain.
Every story needs a secret.

Wink is the odd, mysterious neighbor girl, wild red hair and freckles. Poppy is the blond bully and the beautiful, manipulative high school queen bee. Midnight is the sweet, uncertain boy caught between them. Wink. Poppy. Midnight. Two girls. One boy. Three voices that burst onto the page in short, sharp, bewitching chapters, and spiral swiftly and inexorably toward something terrible or tricky or tremendous.

What really happened?
Someone knows.
Someone is lying~Goodreads

Wink Poppy Midnight is a unique story packed full of adventure, romance, and plenty of twists. 

The charcters in this story were unlike any I've ever read about before. Midnight was such a sweetie, I liked him instantly. You see a full spectra of his emotions throughout the story as well as his faults and that was nice to see coming from a male character-because a lot of times the dudes are emotionally closed off. I think my favorite thing about Midnight is the fact he admits to being totally and completely obsessed with/in love with Poppy. Oh, Poppy, you insane self-centered b-otch.  She needs some hardcore thearpy that girl. She was SO rude and SO manipulative yet I couldn't help but like her a touch. And there was Wink. Wink was whimsical and that's all I'll say about her. 

I thought I had all of these characters pegged. I thought I knew who the Hero was, who the Villain was and who the Liar was —man was I wrong. So many crazy plot twists and character connections pop up through the story and I did not see any of them coming. 

I loved April’s use of imagery throughout novel. I saw everything so vividly. Also, her use of intertwining fairytales into the story added such a layer of magic to the whole plot line, and I adored it. 

The story seemed to slow down towards the middle and then the ending felt a little rushed but overall I really enjoyed the book!

Wink Poppy Midnight is a highly original story that shouldn’t be missed.