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Friday, December 30, 2016

Top 10 Books I'm Looking Forward to in 2017

(Click the cover to add on Goodreads!)
The Crown's Fate (The Crown's Game, #2)1. Yes. I need this book. I loved The Crown's Game, so I'm SUPER excited for this one!

Blacksouls (Blackhearts, #2)2. MORE TEACH! YESS! Is 2017 going to be the year of awesome sequels?! I think so! 

The Valiant3. I've heard nothing but incredible things about this one! It sounds amazing, looks bomb as eff and i can't wait to read it!

Empress of a Thousand Skies4. That cover, that synopsis. Yes, please! I totally already ship Rhee & Aly :P

Song of the Current
5. I love a any type of water based, dash of pirate fantasy! 

Cold Summer
Letters to the Lost
7. This sounds absolutely heartbreaking and adorable and wonderful. Sign me up!
Our Broken Pieces
8. Um!?  The first 3 words on goodreads had me hooked. 
When Dimple Met Rishi
9. I adore this cover. It makes me already love Dimple. Not to mention the storyline of arranged marriage?! Talk about captivating! 
Kissing Max Holden
10. This contemp just sounds so cute. Reminds me of a Kasie West story (who i LOVE!) Can't wait for this! 

Are you participating in the Top 10!? Leave a link to your post below or tell me what 2017 release you can't wait for! 

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Best Book Covers of 2016

Hey lovlies! These are the covers I spent hours staring at this year!

Monday, December 26, 2016

Best Books I've Read in 2016

How It Feels to Fly1. This book was a fantastic read.  It was funny and heart wrenching—full of uniquely diverse characters, a relevant subject matter and just brilliant narrative—How it Feels to Fly is a MUST READ.
Take The Fall2. Enthralled. Captivated. Hooked. I could not put this book down. Oh my goodness, my mind is still reeling. What? Just what? I really need to start reading more mysteries because oh my gosh, this book was fantastic. 
Reign of Shadows (Reign of Shadows, #1)3. Reign of Shadows is a unique retelling filled with suspense and sexy-times and scary creatures. This book is a MUST READ!
Down with the Shine
4. You guys! This book was just a rollercoaster of crazy. I was frantically flipping pages, biting my nails to nubs, and my heart was practically beating out of my chest at times. I LOVED EVERY SECOND. 
Traveler (Traveler #1)
5. The details of the story are so intricately woven and fast paced yet so easy to follow and just GAH! I loved it.
Caraval6.  Magic. Whimsey. Burnt sugar cider. Julian. Mmmm, yest Julian. THIS BOOK. EPIC. EPICNESS. I need all the related merch. I need the sequel. I need a movie. I need more Scar and Julian! 
The Way I Used to Be7. Insanly good. Powerful. Emotional. Hold the book to your chest and sob, good. A BOOK WHERE YOU PRAY AND WISH AND HOPE FOR CERTAIN THINGS and they don't happy. Omg. Just painfully great. I need a follow up on Eden's life. 
Daughter of the Pirate King
8. Yes. Yes. YES. A million times yes. This is the pirate novel i've been waiting for! SWASHBUCKLING EXCELLENCE. Alosa is so badass and Riden is a sex pot. Sequel NOW.
I couldn't quite come up with 10! What books did you love this year!?

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Waiting on Wednesday

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Jill over at Breaking the Spine! And this week i am waiting on:

Blacksouls (Blackhearts, #2)
Edward “Teach” Drummond is setting sail to the Caribbean as first mate on the most celebrated merchant ship in the British fleet—until he rebels against his captain. Mutiny is a capital offense and Teach knows it could cost him his life, but he believes it worth the risk in order to save his crew from the attacking Spanish ships.

Sailing on the same blue waters, Anne barely avoids the Spanish attack, making it safely to Nassau. But lawless criminals, corrupt politics, and dangerous intentions fill the crowded streets of this Caribbean port. Soon, Anne discovers that the man entrusted to keep the peace is quite possibly the most treacherous of them all—and he just happens to hold Teach’s fate in his terrifying hands.

Life and death hang in the balance when Teach and Anne are given a dangerous mission. It’s a mission that will test their love, loyalty and devotion, forcing them down a path neither one could have ever imagined.
 I absolutely adored the first book, Blackhearts, so i am DYING for the next installment! 

What are you waiting on this week?!

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Teaser Tuesday: Brave New Girl by Rachel Vincent

Teaser Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by MizB over at A Daily Rhythm.

To participate all you have to do is:

Grab your current read
Open to a random page
Share two (2) "teaser" sentences from somewhere on that page
BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure what you share doesn't give too much away! You don't want to ruin the book for others!) 
 Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!

Brave New Girl
“What?” Trigger has noticed me staring. “Is there something on my face?” He runs one hand over his jawline, and it makes a soft scratching sound against the short stubble on his chin.
“No. Well, I mean it looks like you need to shave, and I…” I can’t look away.
One corner of his mouth turns up and I suddenly feel like he can see right through my skull into my most private thoughts. “You want to feel it?”~ARC Pg. 64

*THUD* That is all. Go ahead and tease me this week! Leave a link below!

Monday, December 5, 2016

{ARC Review} Poison's Kiss by Breeana Shields

Poison's Kiss (Poison's Kiss, #1)
Poison's Kiss
Author: Breeana Shields
Publisher: Random House for Young Readers

Marinda has kissed dozens of boys. They all die afterward. It s a miserable life, but being a visha kanya a poison maiden is what she was created to do. Marinda serves the Raja by dispatching his enemies with only her lips as a weapon.

Until now, the men she was ordered to kiss have been strangers, enemies of the kingdom. Then she receives orders to kiss Deven, a boy she knows too well to be convinced he needs to die. She begins to question who she s really working for. And that is a thread that, once pulled, will unravel more than she can afford to lose.

This rich, surprising, and accessible debut is based in Indian folklore and delivers a story that will keep readers on the edge of their seats. 

Marinda, our protagonist,  is an incredibly layered character—which I loved! She is super protective of those she cares about, she’s extremely guarded towards anyone outside of her immediate circle and, also, she’s totally bad ass at times.  I couldn’t help but adore this girl. She watches out for her little brother, Mani, the sweet monkey that he is—and their relationship is the cutest.

I loved that Marinda worked at the local book shop. I really wish the shop keep, Japa, would’ve been included more, he was great! While she’s there, Marinda meets Deven. Caring, kind, mysterious, attractive Deven. I enjoyed the small, sweet moments between the two of them. Talk about some serious tension! Like oh my goodness, KISS ALREADY! BUT LIKE, THEY CAN’T! BEACAUSE SHE IS A VISHA KANYA AND HER KISSES ARE POISON! DO YOU SEE THE ISSUE HERE!?!?  

The storyline of this novel was fast-paced, thrilling and definitely left me wanting more! Not to mention the the world building which was incredible! The pages are lush with culture, beauty and danger. Breeana’s writing is so vivid, I was transported to Sundari while reading—it was simply magic. I adored her note at the end. It’s always super cool to learn how an author came up with the idea for their book!

Overall, Poison’s Kiss is a must read! It’s a story about legends, love and sacrifice. I am so hoping for a book 2!

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

{ARC Review} Rise of Fire by Sophie Jordan

Rise of Fire (Reign of Shadows #2)
Rise of Fire (Reign of Shadows #2)
Author: Sophie Jordan
Publisher: Harper Teen
Luna and Fowler have escaped the kingdom of Relhok, but they haven’t escaped the darkness. When a battle against the dark dwellers mortally injures Fowler, Luna is faced with a choice: put their fate in the hands of mysterious strangers or risk losing Fowler forever.

Desperate to keep the one bright part of her life alive, Luna accepts the help of soldiers from a nearby kingdom. Lagonia’s castle offers reprieve from the dangerous outside world—until the king discovers both Fowler's and Luna’s true ties to Relhok and their influence over the throne.

Now pawns in each kingdom’s political game, Luna and Fowler are more determined than ever to escape and build the life they’ve been dreaming of. But their own pasts have a tight hold on their hearts and their destinies. Luna must embrace the darkness and fire within her before she loses not only Fowler, but the power she was destined to inherit.~Goodreads
 Reign of Shadows left me BEGGING and PLEADING for more of this story! So, thankfully Rise of Fire picks up right where Reign of Shadows left off. Luna and Fowler have been separated and THANK ALL THAT IS HOLY, my heart could rest easy because they were quickly reunited.

Rise of Fire suffers a tad bit from second book syndrome. While there were aspects that I totally adored (i.e. Fowler. I.e. His sexiness. I.e. Forbidden smexy time scenes) there were some that left me feeling a tad bit underwhelmed.

I think this series should’ve been a trilogy. Too much was jammed into this installment to wrap up the duology. And I’m not quite sure if liked the “grand finale” twist if you will, it felt a little too convenient.

But with a slew of new characters, dangerous dark dwellers, and a romance that is FIRE—Sophie Jordan does not disappoint on the entertainment factor.  

Overall, if you enjoyed the first book in the series I’m sure you’ll not want to miss the conclusion! 

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Gratitude Giveaway Hop

A few things I'm incredibly thankful for this year:
~My fiance (love you boo!)~
~My family ~
~Books (of course!)~
~Twitter ~
~Warm fuzzy socks~

Thank you to all the wonderful little turkies who visit Brooke-Reports on the regular. Love you guys! 

Now onto the PRIZE!

If you're not sure what Nerdy Post is, it's a subscription box that will be filled with 5-7 items that feature "original, hand-lettered  quotes, symbols, images, etc." It's really neat!

To enter, leave a comment below telling me what you're most thankful for this year! (And a way to contact you!) (US ONLY!)

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Top Ten Tuesday: Books I've Added to My To-Be-Read List Lately

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. Each week there is a new topic for bloggers to choose and list their top ten. 

 Ten Books I've Added To My To-Be-Read List Lately

The Best Kind of Magic1. A girl who can SEE true love? Yes, please! Sound so good, and how adorable is that cover?! (Click on the cover to add on Goodreads!)

No Good Deed2. Olymic archery team!? Sold. 

The Leaf Reader
3. A thousand times, YES! I've been waiting for a tea leaf reading book! Also, goregous cover. NEED. NOW.

Brave New Girl
4. Rachel Vincent is an awesome writer, automatic TBR!

The Last Message Received5. The thought of the messages that may be found in the book, give me the feels. Crazy to think about "last messages."
By Your Side
6. I adore Kasie! She is always good for a cute, quick read!

The Hearts We Sold7. How freaking awesome does this sound? Supernatural vibes, anyone? 

Eliza and Her Monsters
8. Added for this cover! But the story sounds cute! 

The Hate U Give
9. Yes. Just, yes. Everything about this. I read an excerpt online and OH MAN. I need this yesterday. 

The Takedown

10. Scandal City. Sign me up!

What's been added to YOUR TBR recently? Leave a comment below!