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Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Would You Rather Wednesday #2

Wanna play!? All YOU have to do is either answer the question below in the comments -OR- you can grab the banner above, along with the weekly WYR and post the answer on your blog! Let's get started!


Read a book, fall in love with it, but never be able to read the rest of the series...


Be able to read every single book in a series EXCEPT for the first installment?

My Answer:

EEP! Never be able to read the rest of an awesome series!? Never really quite know how the story started?! AHH! Both of these sound awful. BUT. I have been known to start a series and not continue forward with it. So, I'll say that I'd Rather: Read a book, fall in love with it, but never be ablt to read the rest of the series.

What would YOU rather do?


  1. Hmmmm years ago I would pick option #2 because I lived for series and I could probably figure out what happened in book one but...

    Now I would say read only the first book. I get bored with series really easily now and the first books are almost always the coolest with the intro to a new world and characters which is my favorite part of reading.

    Karen @For What It's Worth

  2. I'm going with option one because 9/10 the series is never that good. I wind up liking the first book in the series and forgetting about the rest lol. Besides I'm finding myself getting bored with series.

  3. Well this one is just hard to choose from! But I think I would rather not finish the series.. I HAVE to know how things start - or the ending isn't even worth it!
