A Popular Book or Series You Didn't Like.
THE. UNBECOMING. OF. MARA. DYER. Ugh. I really did not understand the appeal? Everyone was wetting their panties over it and it was so meh.
Popular Book or Series that Everyone Hates but You Love.

Love Triangle where the MC eneded up with the Character you DIDN'T want them to end up with.
Popular Book Genre You Hardly Reach For.
FAE! Can't do it. I've tried and now I just know it's not for me. Dystopians are up there on the list now too.
A Popular or Beloved Character You Didn't Like.
JACOB BLACK. Yuck times infinity!
A Popular Author You Can't Seem to Get Into.
Sarah J. Maas, Leigh Bardugo, Cassandra Clare, Maggie Stiefvater.
A Popular Book Trope You're Tired of Seeing.
Besides the most obvious, which would be the love triangle, I'd have to go with 1. Non-existant adults and 2. Lack of menstration from YOUNG ADULT GIRLS IN YOUNG ADULT NOVELS. Like what?
A Popular Series that You have NO Interest in Reading?
Anything Cassandra Clare or Sarah J. Maas. Way too over hyped and overall not my cup of tea.

DIVERGENT! That movie was 10x better than the book. Also, The Secret Circle was a good ass show!

Yay! I'm glad you joined in!
ReplyDeleteMara Dyer - liked-ish but never read past book #1
I saw where Nightshade was going so I quit but I know what happened and GRRRRR.
I sort of understood the Shade series choice but I will never like Zach. My heart belongs to Logan.
I also do not like Jacob! I do not understand all that love. He's selfish, controlling and threw so many freaking temper tantrums.
I forgot about the Fey - me no likey either.
I stopped reading Clare, never tried Maas.
For What It's Worth