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Wednesday, November 16, 2016

{ARC Review} Rise of Fire by Sophie Jordan

Rise of Fire (Reign of Shadows #2)
Rise of Fire (Reign of Shadows #2)
Author: Sophie Jordan
Publisher: Harper Teen
Luna and Fowler have escaped the kingdom of Relhok, but they haven’t escaped the darkness. When a battle against the dark dwellers mortally injures Fowler, Luna is faced with a choice: put their fate in the hands of mysterious strangers or risk losing Fowler forever.

Desperate to keep the one bright part of her life alive, Luna accepts the help of soldiers from a nearby kingdom. Lagonia’s castle offers reprieve from the dangerous outside world—until the king discovers both Fowler's and Luna’s true ties to Relhok and their influence over the throne.

Now pawns in each kingdom’s political game, Luna and Fowler are more determined than ever to escape and build the life they’ve been dreaming of. But their own pasts have a tight hold on their hearts and their destinies. Luna must embrace the darkness and fire within her before she loses not only Fowler, but the power she was destined to inherit.~Goodreads
 Reign of Shadows left me BEGGING and PLEADING for more of this story! So, thankfully Rise of Fire picks up right where Reign of Shadows left off. Luna and Fowler have been separated and THANK ALL THAT IS HOLY, my heart could rest easy because they were quickly reunited.

Rise of Fire suffers a tad bit from second book syndrome. While there were aspects that I totally adored (i.e. Fowler. I.e. His sexiness. I.e. Forbidden smexy time scenes) there were some that left me feeling a tad bit underwhelmed.

I think this series should’ve been a trilogy. Too much was jammed into this installment to wrap up the duology. And I’m not quite sure if liked the “grand finale” twist if you will, it felt a little too convenient.

But with a slew of new characters, dangerous dark dwellers, and a romance that is FIRE—Sophie Jordan does not disappoint on the entertainment factor.  

Overall, if you enjoyed the first book in the series I’m sure you’ll not want to miss the conclusion! 

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Gratitude Giveaway Hop

A few things I'm incredibly thankful for this year:
~My fiance (love you boo!)~
~My family ~
~Books (of course!)~
~Twitter ~
~Warm fuzzy socks~

Thank you to all the wonderful little turkies who visit Brooke-Reports on the regular. Love you guys! 

Now onto the PRIZE!

If you're not sure what Nerdy Post is, it's a subscription box that will be filled with 5-7 items that feature "original, hand-lettered  quotes, symbols, images, etc." It's really neat!

To enter, leave a comment below telling me what you're most thankful for this year! (And a way to contact you!) (US ONLY!)

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Top Ten Tuesday: Books I've Added to My To-Be-Read List Lately

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. Each week there is a new topic for bloggers to choose and list their top ten. 

 Ten Books I've Added To My To-Be-Read List Lately

The Best Kind of Magic1. A girl who can SEE true love? Yes, please! Sound so good, and how adorable is that cover?! (Click on the cover to add on Goodreads!)

No Good Deed2. Olymic archery team!? Sold. 

The Leaf Reader
3. A thousand times, YES! I've been waiting for a tea leaf reading book! Also, goregous cover. NEED. NOW.

Brave New Girl
4. Rachel Vincent is an awesome writer, automatic TBR!

The Last Message Received5. The thought of the messages that may be found in the book, give me the feels. Crazy to think about "last messages."
By Your Side
6. I adore Kasie! She is always good for a cute, quick read!

The Hearts We Sold7. How freaking awesome does this sound? Supernatural vibes, anyone? 

Eliza and Her Monsters
8. Added for this cover! But the story sounds cute! 

The Hate U Give
9. Yes. Just, yes. Everything about this. I read an excerpt online and OH MAN. I need this yesterday. 

The Takedown

10. Scandal City. Sign me up!

What's been added to YOUR TBR recently? Leave a comment below! 

Monday, November 7, 2016

Music Monday♫

This is what I've been jammin' to recently! 

All the feels.