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Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Top Ten Tuesday: Bookworm Delights

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. Each week there is a new topic for bloggers to choose and list their top ten. 
Buy it here! 
1. Shipping a new couple.
2. Cover Reveals.
4. Finding a highly anticipated read at the library.
5. Bookish Merch.
6. When the title of the book or something on the cover is referenced in the book. (YAASS!! Thank YOU Jamie!)
7. Finding out there will be a squeal to a fav series.
8. Falling for a new fictional boy.
9. Starring at the book cover in REAL life  
10. Character Interviews.

Monday, April 25, 2016

Reeeeading Speeeed and its added troubles!

So, I know on average that I can read 75 pages per hour. Now, let’s say I have a book that's 300 pages, that means I’ll be able to finish it in approximately four hours—not too bad right?  (Calculate your speed!)

Unfortunately, knowing that tends to get me into a little bit of trouble. Just because I know I can read a book in four hours doesn’t necessarily mean that I’m going to read a book in four hours. Ya know? Life, work, tv, eating, and sleeping tend to slither their way into the mix too. This is where the problem arrises. 


I have a really bad habit of stacking my TBR way waaay to high. Now, I'm sure all of us readers tend to overload our reading piles from time to time. Where the real issue pops up is when you sign yourself up for multiple blog/ARC tours on top of library books, fun reads, borrowed books and requested reads (i.e. publisher sent). This leads to OVERWHELMANIA! Then the probability of not reading anything at all becomes real, so real. A slump, some like to call it. Self induced slump. *sadly shakes head* 

I must learn to pace myself. 
Rational Brooke: Shush it, Book obsessed Brooke! We both know REALISTICALLY we are not going to read 11+ books in seven days.
Rational Brooke: NO BUTS, Book Obsessed Brooke! Logically, we know this and we must get better. 

So.  Do you stack your TBR to high? How do you space out your reading so you’re not overwhelmed? Can you help calm the Inner Book Obssessed Brooke? (try sayin that 10 times fast!)

Friday, April 22, 2016

Funky Fresh Friday

Hey y'all! Happy Friday! I thought I'd start the weekend right and share what I've been groovin' to!

And in light of the sad news shared with the world yesterday, my favorite Prince song! (MN rerepresent!)

What have YOU been jammin' out to?