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Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Character Interview + ARC GIVEAWAY!

The Best Kind of MagicI absolutely ADORED The Best Kind of Magic by Crystal Cestari, and I adored the main character from the novel, Amber, even more!

Amber, the awesome-sauce girl that she is, agreed to stop by the blog and answer a few questions! Enjoy! 

Hey Amber! Thank you so much for stopping by! I know you're a busy gal, so let's get right to it! 
What's your favorite thing about working at Windy City Magic?
Amber: Tourists always seem surprised that we sell actual magic. I once warned a suburbanite not to use more than a drop of our hair-growing tonic on his bald spot, but apparently he didn't believe me, and came back a week later with a Rapunzel-style mullet. He was really mad and I couldn't stop laughing. Ah, memories. 
If you were turned into a dessert, what would you be and why?
Amber: Oh man, the most difficult question of all time! Wow. While I'd like to say I'd be something fluffy and light like a donut or angel food cake, let's be real; that's not me. No, I'm something complicated and semi-annoying to make, like a creme brulee: if you don't handle me right, I'll curdle. Also, I definitely have a thick outer shell. 
I know you and your mom don't always see eye to eye, but, what is one thing you admire most about her? 
Amber: What impresses me most is her restraint. If I were a witch, I would abuse that power to no end. Feeling like a snack, but don't want to get off the couch? I'd float the fridge over my way. Tired of teachers yapping about nothing? Boom, silencing spell. (it's probably for the best that I'm not a witch)
Do you have any hidden talents? (Besides the obvious!) 
Amber: If being picked last for any sort of sport or school project counts, then yes.
If you were stranded on a desert island what 3 things would you want with you?
Amber: My best friend, Amani, to keep me sane.
A blanket, to keep me from waking up with sand in my eyes and other uncomfortable places. 

A portal charm from my mom's secret supply chest, to get out of there. Wait, is that cheating? 

Early bird or night owl? 
Night owl for sure... are there people who are early birds? Sounds terrible. 

Celebrity crush?
I don't really know a lot of celebrities... does Mary Berry count?

Teleportation or Telekinesis?
Since I already spend a lot of time invading people's brain space without them knowing, I'm gonna go with teleportation on this one. It would be pretty sweet to pop in and out of bakeries around the world at a moment's notice--pun intended! 

Fill out the form below to be entered to win an ARC of The Best Kind of Magic and some adorable stickers! 
(us only!)

Friday, March 3, 2017

{ARC Review} Alex, Approximately + PRE- ORDER Giveaway

Alex, Approximately
Alex, Approximately
Author: Jenn Bennett
Publisher: Simon Pulse
Classic movie buff Bailey “Mink” Rydell has spent months crushing on a witty film geek she only knows online by “Alex.” Two coasts separate the teens until Bailey moves in with her dad, who lives in the same California surfing town as her online crush.

Faced with doubts (what if he’s a creep in real life—or worse?), Bailey doesn’t tell Alex she’s moved to his hometown. Or that she’s landed a job at the local tourist-trap museum. Or that she’s being heckled daily by the irritatingly hot museum security guard, Porter Roth—a.k.a. her new arch-nemesis. But life is whole lot messier than the movies, especially when Bailey discovers that tricky fine line between hate, love, and whatever-it-is she’s starting to feel for Porter.

And as the summer months go by, Bailey must choose whether to cling to a dreamy online fantasy in Alex or take a risk on an imperfect reality with Porter. The choice is both simpler and more complicated than she realizes, because Porter Roth is hiding a secret of his own: Porter is Alex…Approximately.~Goodreads.
Oh. My. Sweet. Holy. Gods. You guys. THIS BOOK.
I can’t. I can’t even.

I absolutely could NOT put this book down. There is not a single thing I didn’t adore about it. Alex, Approximately was the epitome of a perfect contemporary.

Bailey’s point of view was relatable, engaging, and over all just freaking awesome. This girl has an epic sense of style, she’s sassy as heck and she’s a total movie buff, it’s impossible not to like her!  I LOVED how she had to get a summer job, not this whole, “girl moves to beach, spends all her time at the beach, never has to work” kind of business. Her job?! The Cavern Palace, was so freaking cool.

Then, there is Porter. Guys. YOU GUYS. This boy!!! He is SO damn cocky. And it’s so damn sexy. NOT TO MENTION, he is smart as hell, talented as eff and built like a sun-kissed, God. The boy is a surfer AND a security guard, can you say TOTAL SEX POT?! He is hardworking, loyal, patient and OH MY GOD. JUST. I CAN’T. I loved how layered he was.

Put him and Bailey together—BAM—MAGIC. Sexually charged MAGIC. Watching their relationship develop was the most frustrating/satisfying thing I’ve ever experience in my whole entire reading life.

This book isn’t a must read. YOU GUYS. It is a NEED TO READ. If you don’t you pick this one up you are denying yourself unfathomable pleasure. No exaggeration.

45 stars out of 5!!