GUYS! Comment or link me to some songs! I'm in need of some newbies!!

Monday, April 30, 2012
Music Monday ♫
So i listened to these two songs by Florence + The Machine over & over the whole weekend. And i throughly enjoyed it. & DUDES! Snow White and The Huntsman?! I'm super excited for that movie, it looks dope! Plus, Sam Claflin *THUD*
Friday, April 27, 2012
Follow Friday
Follow Friday is a meme hosted by Parajunkee and Allison Can Read, that allows you to meet new bloggers and make more followers!
Q: Have you had a character that disappointed you? One that you fell in love with and then “broke up” with later on in either the series or a stand-alone book? Tell us about him or her.
Nash Hudson. What started off as a MAJOR crush and
basically an all out love fest for Mr. Hudson during the first 2.5 Soul Screamers books, quickly turned sour in the wake of the
following 2.5 books.
But alas, like people, characters change, promises are
broken and even heroes fall. Some might argue that this shows Nash’s human
side, that not even the most ideal gent is safe from making mistakes.
That’s all fine and
great. Plenty of characters have made mistakes—but did they learn from those mistakes?
Did those mistakes ultimately make that character a better person? Would they
repeat those same mistakes twice? Thrice? It may be too soon to tell with Nash
Hudson, seeing as though the series still has two books to go. (HUZZAH!)
(it was a very sad day when i came to this realization.)
I’m not even sure if I
like the boy right now, but as the very wise Jeri Smith-Ready tweeted once, “Sometimes people screw up.
It's what you do after you screw up that matters.” And i'm eagerly awaiting to see what Nash Hudson will do.
So. Who has disappointed you!? Leave a comment or link me up! :)
So. Who has disappointed you!? Leave a comment or link me up! :)
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Soulbound by Heather Brewer
Heather Brewer
4.5 Stars!
Darius...for the moment ;)
Tril is a world where Barrons and Healers are Bound to each other: Barrons fight and Healers cure their Barrons' wounds in the ongoing war with the evil Graplar King. Seventeen-year-old Kaya was born a Healer, but she wants to fight. In Tril, and at Shadow Academy, where she is sent to learn to heal, it is against Protocol for Healers to fight. So Kaya must learn in secret. Enter two young men: One charming, rule-following Barron who becomes Bound to Kaya and whose life she must protect at all costs. And one with a mysterious past who seems bent on making Kaya's life as difficult as possible. Kaya asks both to train her, but only one will, and the consequences will change their lives forever.~GoodreadsKatanas are officially my new favorite weapon. They are seriously so badass in this book!
Legacy of Tril starts off with the main character, Kaya,
and her best friend, Avery heading to the town’s Harvest Festival. While they are
there a Graplar, a horrible beast that attacks citizens around Tril, kills some one close to Kaya and this leads to her desire to learn how to fight, to protect herself and those she loves.
Kaya is forced to attend the training academy and learn
everything about what it means to be a Healer. There, she meets her guard
Maddox, who pretty much accompanies her at all times. And Maddox was an absolute treat! She was feisty and bitchy and totally
awesome. She‘s tough to the core so when we get a glimpse of her vulnerable
side it’s pretty moving. I loved how she opened up to Kaya and became a really
good friend to her. She didn’t keep Kaya at a distance like she did in the past
with other Healers. I want more of her in book 2!
Kaya also meets her Barron, Trayton, at the academy. And
although I was swooning hardcore over him at the end of the book, I
was rooting for someone else!
Darius. You silver-haired warrior with anger management
issues, I heart you. He’s EXtremely mysterious, cross, strong both physically
and mentally and he’s basically just incredible. Darius was this huge enigma,
this unreachable boy that was so shut off from everyone that I thought I’d
never learn anything about him. But Kaya finds out what he’s been put through and that he's hidden a huge secret the entire time he’s been at the academy, which can’t be
easy. The more I got to know Darius the more my feelings for Trayton lessened.
Even though Kaya spends more time with Trayton I felt like I barely knew him. He
was perfect and handsome and kissable, which are all great qualities, but I needed more of a back-story.
If you like bloody fights with giant beasts, kick-ass characters
and a dash of romance...then this book is definitely for you!
(also, the next book is titled Soulbroken which scares the
EFF out of me! WAAH!)
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Waiting on Wednesday
Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Jill over at Breaking the Spine! And this week i am waiting on:
Sixteen-year-old Noa has been a victim of the system ever since her parents died. Now living off the grid and trusting no one, she uses her computer-hacking skills to stay safely anonymous and alone. But when she wakes up on a table in an empty warehouse with an IV in her arm and no memory of how she got there, Noa starts to wish she had someone on her side.
Enter Peter Gregory. A rich kid and the leader of a hacker alliance, Peter needs people with Noa’s talents on his team. Especially after a shady corporation threatens his life. But what Noa and Peter don’t realize is that Noa holds the key to a terrible secret, and there are those who’d stop at nothing to silence her for good.
Filled with action, suspense, and romance, this first book in a new trilogy offers readers nonstop thrills. ~Goodreads
sounds SO GOOD. Wants. Nows. Kay, thanks! :P
Friday, April 20, 2012
Follow Friday
Follow Friday is a meme hosted by Parajunkee and Allison Can Read, that allows you to meet new bloggers and make more followers!
I adore fictional boy fights (probably a little more than i should but...still!) And I would absolutely love to see Day
(Legend) fight just about anyone. Do you know how quick and cunning this boy
is!? Yeah, I’m pretty sure he could take anyone down.
I’d kind of like to see Peregrine (Under the Never Sky) vs. Stalker (Enclave). A guy with mad bow and arrow skillz and a boy who knows how to handle
a knife? O_O
money is on Stalker.
But Day vs. Stalker!??! Now, THAT would be a crazy ass fight! Whoa...just whoa.
Can somebody make this happen, please? Thanks. (Day would totally win, but I
think it would take a while...and he most definitely wouldn’t walk away
Who would you want to see battle it out?
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Waiting on Wednesday
Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Jill over at Breaking the Spine! And this week i am waiting on:

O_O Does that sound amazing or what?!?!
Inhale. Exhale. Breathe. Breathe. Breathe . . .
The world is dead.
The survivors live under the protection of Breathe, the corporation that found a way to manufacture oxygen-rich air.
has been stealing for a long time. She’s a little jittery, but not terrified. All she knows is that she’s never been caught before. If she’s careful, it’ll be easy. If she’s careful.
should be worried about Alina and a bit afraid for himself, too, but even though this is dangerous, it’s also the most interesting thing to happen to him in ages. It isn’t every day that the girl of your dreams asks you to rescue her.
wants to tell him that none of this is fair; they’d planned a trip together, the two of them, and she’d hoped he’d discover her out here, not another girl.
And as they walk into the Outlands with two days’ worth of oxygen in their tanks, everything they believe will be shattered. Will they be able to make it back? Will they want to?~Goodreads
O_O Does that sound amazing or what?!?!
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Teaser Tuesday: Legacy of Tril- Soulbound
Teaser Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by MizB over at Should Be Reading!
To participate all you have to do is:
•Grab your current read
•Open to a random page
•Share two (2) "teaser" sentences from somewhere on that page
•BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure what you share doesn't give too much away! You don't want to ruin the book for others!)
Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!

To participate all you have to do is:
•Grab your current read
•Open to a random page
•Share two (2) "teaser" sentences from somewhere on that page
•BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure what you share doesn't give too much away! You don't want to ruin the book for others!)
Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!

“Promise me that you’ll always be open with me, Trayton, that you won’t change once we’re Bound.”
Trayton leaned in close and my heart was completely still. My rational mind knew that he was a virtual stranger to me, but I comforted myself with the fact that he was also a completely gorgeous, highly kissable stranger. His lips were incredibly close to mine, and I could feel his whisper on my skin. “I promise.” ~ARC P. 108
Friday, April 13, 2012
The Selection by Kiera Cass
The Selection
Author: Kiera Cass
Publisher: HarperTeen
Pages: 327
Rating: 5 Stars!
Team: Aspen ♥
For thirty-five girls, the Selection is the chance of a lifetime. The opportunity to escape the life laid out for them since birth. To be swept up in a world of glittering gowns and priceless jewels. To live in the palace and compete for the heart of the gorgeous Prince Maxon.There are so many wonderful things about this book that I want to touch on but, first, a preface:
But for America Singer, being Selected is a nightmare. It means turning her back on her secret love with Aspen, who is a caste below her. Leaving her home to enter a fierce competition for a crown she doesn't want. Living in a palace that is constantly threatened by violent rebel attacks.
Then America meets Prince Maxon. Gradually, she starts to question all the plans she's made for herself- and realizes that the life she's always dreamed of may not compare to a future she never imagined.~Goodreads
I felt that this book was nothing like The Hunger Games. At all. The Selection and The Hunger Games are two TOTALLY different competitions and even the worlds in which they take place are very unalike. The Hunger Games was intense and fast paced in a way that made every situation seem dyer. With The Selection, to me, the story was told more at a leisurely pace and the world felt more...magical/fairy tale-esque and less dystopian. Each of these books are completely unique in their own incredible ways and I think it’s unfair to compare the two.
Moving on!
I liked America a lot. She was just your average girl. She liked to sing and she had a boyfriend, which made her relatable. I also liked the fact that she stayed true to herself throughout the entire book, she didn’t change her core beliefs; which is always refreshing in a character! As for her boyfriend, Aspen, *sighs*. Aspen, Aspen, extremely attractive and honorable boy, I’m completely in love with you. He was...words cannot describe the things this boy is. He’s compassionate and hardworking and amazing and kind and sometimes an idiot but holy hell does he know how to kiss a girl, like WHOA! Hmm...yes, I liked him very much... But then, as luck would have it, America is chosen to take part in The Selection thus separating her and Aspen. *sadface* She’s given a bajillion rules she has to abide by and then she’s whisked away to the Palace with 35 other girls. Dudes. I would never be able to take part in something like this. First: catty bitches everywhere and Second: catty bitches all up on your man. Like, how hard would it be to watch the boy you kinda sorta like flirt and kiss other girls!? Death. I would die a slow death. But hey! Not all the girls in the Palace are bad! I really liked Marlee, who became one of American’s really good friends. I think I’d be able to handle one close confidant. (Jena, i'm looking at you.)
And that’s sort of what America becomes for Maxon. A friend. When they first meet, she straight up tells him that she’s not interested in a relationship and that she’s basically there for the food. (HA! This girl...she’s great.) So they strike a deal, Maxon keeps her as close to the end as possible so that her family can continue to be compensated and America helps him out with the girls. Fair deal, right? And the more I got to know Maxon the more I genuinely liked the guy. He really steps up and proves himself as the future leader of Illea when he makes a certain announcement. And I think that’s when American and I kind of fell for him. Annnd I’ll leave that right there...
I don’t want to spoil anything else for you except this: New Guard. At the Palace. Stands outside America’s room. Opens the door. Goes inside. And blankets get whipped around. ‘Nuff said. :P
This book was seriously addicting, like a reality television show I did not want to end. But alas it did, and at a rather abrupt spot if I may add. Damn you Kiera Cass, damn YOU! Overall, The Selection was entertaining and magical and I’d definitely recommend it!
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Teaser Tuesday: Sweet Evil
Teaser Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by MizB over at Should Be Reading!
To participate all you have to do is:
•Grab your current read
•Open to a random page
•Share two (2) "teaser" sentences from somewhere on that page
•BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure what you share doesn't give too much away! You don't want to ruin the book for others!)
Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!
I loved this book so hard! And I loved Kaidan even harder! SQUEE! That boy is just SO damn sexy! *drools*
“What do you want from me, Kai?”
“For starters?” His voice lowered to sexy, dangerous depths. “I want to introduce myself to every freckle on your body."
*THUD* OH. MY. GODS. Doesn't he sound absolutely tempting?!
Yeah, that's the son of lust for ya!
Any who! Do yourself a favor and pick this book up next month because it's completely amazing!
Any who! Do yourself a favor and pick this book up next month because it's completely amazing!
Thank you SO SO much Patricia! Love you! :)
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